Describe yourself in a sentence…
I'm a writer, creative director and mum to Wilf, who's seven months old.
Your weekly workout routine consists of…
An hour's ballet class on a Monday, and then BoxxMethod at least three times a week, for half an hour a day.
Your fitness motivator is...
I'd love to say it's all about the feeling of strength, mental agility etc etc, but I'll be honest, looking good in a pair of jeans after having given birth to an 8lb 4oz baby is heavy-duty motivation.
You love boxing because…
It's hardcore! It's strangely primal to throw a punch, even if it's just at thin air...
You do online workouts because…
They're quick, accessible anywhere, and you can shamelessly don any old stained t-shirt/legging combo and just get on with it.
Your favourite BoxxMethod workout is…
BoxxHIIT30 FULL BODY #5. Only Louis can make a jumping jack seem remotely fun.
Benefits from doing BoxxMethod workouts have been...
Well, in the instant, they offer me half an hour's 'me time' which is utterly invaluable. And then there's the physical results - I don't think I've ever done another workout (and I've tried my hand at most sweat-inducing exercises) where you genuinely feel stronger and more toned the minute it's over. It's an instant ego boost, and as a new mum ego boosts are very, very important!
Fave motivational quote (fitness/life)…
Fitness: You never regret a workout.
Life: When you're going through hell, keep going.
Possibly for some post workout selfies...checkout Holly on Instagram @hollykielty
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