Apr 26, 2017

Perfecting your stance is the first and one of the most important factors to consider when starting out. Why? Because it can not only improve and affect your speed and mobility but also determine how effective your boxing workout is. The correct form will ensure you are engaging all the correct muscles and give you that full body workout.

Your ‘perfect’ boxing stance is likely to differ from others as everyone tends to vary stances slightly, with some people preferring a slightly wider or narrower stance. It is therefore important to find your own ideal position. However, that said, there are still some basic guidelines which you should aim to follow to ensure you are maximising your strengths.


It is best to focus on your feet and work up. You need to be grounded before worrying about hand placements, etc. Begin with your feet at least shoulder width apart. Take a reasonable step back with your right foot (or left depending on what feel most comfortable with). Turn your feet approximately 45 degrees. Then imagine a line is drawn in between your feet, running from the toe on the front foot to the heel on the back foot. Be sure to align your toes on your front foot with the line and the heel of the back foot. This foot position maximises stability and mobility and ensures you can deliver maximum force when punching.


Your rear heel remains slightly lifted, leaving your weight on the ball of your foot. This gives you more speed and mobility. Your front foot can have your heel resting lightly down, but with the majority of your weight still predominantly on the ball of your foot. Try to relax your hips and keep your knees slightly bent. This relaxed stance aids mobility and balance and saves important energy for powerful punches.


Relax your arms and shoulders, turning your shoulders slightly towards your opponent. By keeping your hands held up, chin in and elbows down and in, you can keep your face and body protected. Use your front arm to mainly defend your body. Your rear hand can be raised to brow level to protect your face from hooks and jabs. After each punch, return you hands back to your chin.


Putting this into practice is the best way to improve. Finding your own boxing stance that you are comfortable with can take a while and can also be quite daunting, especially if you are just starting out. Go check out our short and simple technique videos which will allow you to learn at home without feeling self conscious and have you boxing like a boss in no time!

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