May 29, 2018

The importance of living sustainably is a topic we are becoming increasingly aware of. The impact our lifestyles are having on the environment is now being talked about and recognised more than ever. Each choice we make each day has a ripple effect, supporting a particular production process and practice, which in turn impacts both our environment and real peoples lives.

As we’re becoming more informed about how important our consumption choices are as individuals towards making a positive change, we’ve decided it’s time to start stepping up our game and be more pro-active about living sustainably.                                                                                                                                                                                        

If you’re also ready to start (or perhaps you already have!) taking responsibility and playing your part in reducing your environmental impact, have a read of our top 5 lifestyle changes and sustainable swaps that you can implement without having to make major sacrifices. Here are things you can start doing right now to live and consume more consciously: 



Plastic is having a major impact on the deterioration of our planet. It has been predicted that by 2050, there will be more single use plastic in our oceans than fish!! Plastic is everywhere today but knowing of ways which you can reduce and even avoid using it feels pretty damn good!

The best and easiest ways we recommend you start your mission to saying 'no' to single use plastic include:

  • Avoid bottled water and opt for a filling up a reusable water bottle or a glass one instead
  • Invest in a reusable coffee cup and carry it everywhere with you
  • Refuse drinking straws, you can now buy metal metal straws instead!
  • Carry your own re-usable shopping bags (and make sure they are kept in your handbags/ car boots so that they’re not forgotten!)



Living a zero food waste lifestyle is another achievable way to start living more consciously. Ways in which this can be accomplished can be as simple as planning your meals in advance. This not only saves you time and helps you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle, but planning meals means that you start food shopping intentionally and minimise buying foods that risk not being eaten. Re-using, re-cycling and composting any leftovers is also a way to achieve this. Keep any leftovers that can be eaten the next day and juice the parts of your fruits and veg that you would normally just throw.



Along with aiming for zero food waste, another way you can adjust your eating habits is to consume a more environmentally friendly diet. Eating less meat, going more plant based and consuming whole foods are all ways in which you can do this, as well as choosing organic, free-range produce and foods that are seasonal and grown locally as much as possible. This is not only a lifestyle that is better for the planet, though, all these things are so much better for your body too! Result!



Reducing your daily energy consumption is an easy and effective adaption you can make. Think about your household usage and reduce this where you can, for example by turning off the lights when you exit a room, limiting your use of the dishwasher and tumble dryer, hand washing more and not leaving water running unnecessarily. You can also reduce your energy use outside of the house by walking or cycling instead of driving and by using public transport when possible.



To limit your paper usage, you can make simple swaps such as saying no to till receipts, avoiding printing things unless it is absolutely necessary and switching your bank statements to digital! Take account of all the paper bills your receive and where you can, request for these to be emailed to you instead.

Hopefully these easy and achievable tips have made you aware that living a more sustainable lifestyle isn’t out-of reach, overcomplicated or expensive.And trust us once you start with these simple steps, you will find more and more ways to live a sustainable life! Think of the investment you’re making long-term for not only the planet but for future generations. Make an effort to adopt these habits and help inspire others to do so too! 

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